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Monday, October 03, 2005

The Next Generation of Hispanic Space Explorers - La Familia Technology Week

The Next Generation of Hispanic Space Explorers

The growing Hispanic community is changing the face of the employment pool. Hispanics are now more than 11 percent of the total work force, but make up only 3 percent of the science and engineering work force, according to the Urban Policy Institute. NASA astronauts and scientists and IBM engineers are trying to change that by sharing their personal experiences of space travel and the impact of technology on space exploration to Hispanic students during La Familia Technology Week.

NASA Astronauts and Scientists Encourage Student Interest In Math and Sciences During La Familia Technology Week

More here:
NASA Astronauts and Scientists Encourage Student Interest In Math and Sciences

Bill Austin
Arizona High Tech Talent Partnership


At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post I found the same student credit card


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